The Demons That Haunted Sandra Dee: 30+ Tragic Facts About The Icon
1 1. She Was So Not Innocent

Sandra Dee was a silver screen angel. She started as a child model and then became a famous actress. In the 1950s she won over audiences with her all-American charm and beauty. Even today we still think of her as the ultimate "good girl." But the truth is her life was much darker than we realized. She had a really tough childhood and she had some big secrets that nobody knew about. Sandra Dee's life was not what it seemed on the outside.
2 2. Her Home Was Broken

Sandra had a tough start in life. She was born in the early 1940s to her teenage mom Mary. Sadly her dad wasn't around when she was just a little kid leaving Sandra and her mom to face the world on their own. But their relationship wasn't healthy. Mary became way too obsessed with Sandra and this had a lasting impact on her. It shaped her life in ways she couldn't have imagined.
3 3. She Was Treated Like A Doll By Her Mom

Sandra's mom had a really upsetting reaction when she saw how beautiful her daughter was becoming. Instead of letting her be a normal kid Mary started treating Sandra like a living doll. She would constantly dress her up in these overly cute clothes like "a skirt with an Eisenhower jacket and a little hat". But this was just the start of something much worse.
4 4. Her Mother Stifled Her

Mary's strange behavior didn't stop at treating Sandra like a doll. It was way weirder than that. She insisted on spoon-feeding Sandra until she was six years old which is definitely not normal. And when Sandra started going to school Mary would make up excuses to keep her at home like saying it was raining outside and drawing the curtains closed. It was all about keeping Sandra close.
Then when someone new entered their lives things just got even stranger.
5 5. Her Family Dynamics Were Pretty Disturbing

When Sandra was five her mom started dating Eugene Douvan a rich guy from New York City. But instead of toning down her obsession with Sandra it only got worse. Sandra remembers that when her mom and Douvan went on their honeymoon she had to sleep in the middle with them. And Douvan he would always say stuff like "he was marrying both me and Mary." Yuck! That kind of thing would mess anyone up and Sandra had a lot more dysfunction coming her way.
6 6. She Was A Child Model

Sandra's mom had a really upsetting reaction when she saw how beautiful her daughter was becoming. Instead of letting her be a normal kid Mary started treating Sandra like a living doll. She would constantly dress her up in these overly cute clothes like "a skirt with an Eisenhower jacket and a little hat". But this was just the start of something much worse.
7 7. Her Mon Wanted To Keep Sandra As A Little Girl Forever

When Sandra started growing up her mom Mary did some really scary things. She didn't want Sandra to start looking more grown-up so she made her wear tight clothes to hide her changing body. This was really bad for Sandra and even dangerous for her health. It was like Mary wanted Sandra to stay young forever but that caused some serious problems.
8 8. She Developed Horrible Habits

Sandra Dee was making money for her family when she was really young thanks to her modeling work. But this was super stressful and her mom wasn't helping her in the right way. This led Sandra to develop a serious problem with eating. She once said "I ate almost nothing but lettuce one entire year". Sadly instead of helping her her mom kept pushing her to do more which wasn't good for Sandra at all.
9 9. She Was A Child Laborer

In the mid-1950s Sandra's mom really wanted her to become a star in Hollywood. Sandra started going to auditions by herself on the subway and went to a special school for performing arts where she met other young actors like Tuesday Weld. She tried her best to act grown-up even though she was only 11. Soon she got a huge opportunity but it wasn't in a good way at all.
10 10. She Went Through A Tragedy

In 1956 something really sad happened: Sandra's stepdad Eugene Douvan passed away from a heart attack. This made things very hard for her family and we'll talk more about that soon. Sandra felt very sad but she still went to try out for a movie just after saying goodbye to him. What's really sad is that because she was so heartbroken that's what made them choose her for the movie.
11 11. All The Adults In Her Life Were Terrible

Dee was trying out for a movie with a big-time producer named Ross Hunter. When she showed up she just couldn't stop crying. But instead of worrying about her Hunter only thought about how much money he could make. He said "Here was this tiny lovely sophisticated little girl who was crying. I saw that moms all over the world would say 'Gee if my daughter could be like little Sandra Dee that would be wonderful'".
But what Sandra really didn't need was another grown-up trying to earn money from her. And this wasn't going to lead to anything good.
12 12. She Lied About Her Age To Get In A Movie

Sandra Dee's very first movie role was in "Until They Sail" in 1957. It's about a girl dealing with lots of love problems. She got to act with really famous people like Paul Newman and Joan Fontaine but there was a secret. The movie people thought Sandra was 14 but she was actually only 12.
Her body hadn't grown much yet so the studio had her wear a rubber suit under her dress so she would look like she had more curves. And believe it or not that wasn't the most awkward thing she had to deal with.
13 13. She Had Disturbing Reactions

Sandra Dee had been around adults so much she wasn't sure how to just be a kid or what things kids should do. People say she was super thrilled about looking different with her rubber suit that made her seem more grown-up. She got so excited that she ran up to Paul Newman her co-star who was 32 and shouted excitedly "Mr. Newman Mr. Newman Want to see my body?" But that was kind of a mistake and it looked like things were about to get even more complicated for her.
14 14. She Was More Popular Than Shirley Temple

The movie "Until They Sail" made Sandra Dee super famous and she quickly became known as America's Sweetheart. After that she was in other popular movies like "Imitation of Life" and played a cool surfer girl in "Gidget." A famous writer Louella Parsons even said Sandra's pure beauty reminded her of Shirley Temple. But even though it seemed like Sandra had the perfect life on the outside things weren't going so well when the cameras weren't rolling.
15 15. She Suffered In Silence

Even though Sandra Dee was all smiles and cute as a button in her movies and people loved watching her things were really tough for her when she wasn't on set. She was having a hard time with eating right. Every Saturday she would eat lots of walnuts and then take Epsom salts to try to fix it. While she was feeling so down she was about to choose something that would change everything.
16 16. She Got A Suitor

Sandra Dee was doing great in her acting career and she got a role in the movie "Come September" with big stars like Rock Hudson and Gina Lollobrigida. But it was a young singer named Bobby Darin known for songs like “Dream Lover” and “Mack the Knife” who really shook up her world. Sandra was still in her teens and Bobby noticed her right away. He started to really go after her trying to win her over big time.
17 17. She Got An Indecent Proposal

Bobby Darin really liked Sandra Dee and didn't waste any time. He jokingly asked her to marry him when they had just started hanging out. Sandra wasn't interested at first. She said later that she thought Bobby was “conniving” and she said no to his kind of joking marriage question. But Bobby didn't give up. Instead he started trying even harder to get her to notice him.
18 18. He Manipulated Her Mother

Bobby Darin liked Sandra Dee a lot but she didn't seem to feel the same at first. So he started teasing her in a playful way saying things like “Sandra Dee has a flea.” Then he thought of a smarter plan. He decided to charm Sandra's mom Mary to get her on his side. And guess what? It worked! Mary helped Bobby out and convinced Sandra to go on a horse-drawn carriage ride with him. That carriage ride changed everything between them.
19 19. Young And In Love

Even though Bobby Darin had a weird way of getting close to Sandra Dee on the carriage ride he explained that he was just really scared because he had such strong feelings for her. He was super in love and would do anything to get her to notice him. What he said must have made sense to Sandra because soon they were hanging out a lot on the "Come September" movie set being very affectionate with each other. This led to them making some hasty decisions.
20 20. She Married Young

While they were still making the movie "Come September" Sandra Dee surprised everyone by saying that she and Bobby Darin had run off and gotten married without telling anyone. The other actor Rock Hudson and even Sandra's mom were pretty shocked by their quick wedding. But Sandra said that the next morning she felt super safe. She said “I had never felt so safe in my life as I felt with Bobby”. Sadly that secure feeling didn't last very long.
21 21. Her New Husband Was Spoiled

When Sandra Dee married Bobby Darin she didn't really know much about him. If she had she might have had second thoughts. Bobby had heart problems when he was young and his family was super protective of him which kind of spoiled him. They even called him "the King" at home and he was used to always getting his way.
Bobby's sister even said it was a bad move. She said “It was a mistake…we should have…made him into a human being and we didn’t do it”. Turns out this was just one part of Bobby that wasn't so great.
22 22. He Had A Huge Ego

Bobby Darin really wanted to be a star after being very sick as a kid. He grew a huge ego along the way to help him succeed. By the time he became famous he thought so highly of himself that it made it tough to get along with other famous people.
Even Sammy Davis Jr made a joke about it saying “Let me know when you stop being a legend so we can be friends again”. But unfortunately it was Sandra Dee who had to deal with the worst of Bobby's attitude.
23 23. He Made Insulting Demands

Not long after Sandra Dee got married she realized something not so great about her husband. Bobby Darin wanted her to be with him all the time looking perfect. He wanted her to be at every one of his shows in Las Vegas dressed really fancy and with her makeup just right just to watch him and look like she loved everything he did. But what she got back for doing all this wasn't what she hoped for at all.
24 24. Her Husband Ignored Her

Sandra Dee did what her husband wanted and watched his shows every night but he didn't really pay attention to her. She said “He had me sitting through shows and then he was with the guys every night”. She felt really left out as he hung out with his friends instead of her. Sandra started to feel like she had no fun of her own and that they didn't have any good times together.
Feeling super bored and frustrated she started to gamble a lot and drink too much. After a while she even started playing mean pranks.
25 25. She Played Cruel Games

Sandra Dee was trying so hard to get Bobby Darin to notice her that she started causing trouble. She would tease him by saying his hairpiece wasn't straight right before his show or she would make a fuss and cry a lot—often because Bobby was making her feel upset on purpose. When someone wondered why she was always causing drama Sandra said sharply “To stir things up. I’m bored”.
Things just kept getting more and more intense between them.
26 26. He Accused Her Of Cheating

Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin started to drift apart because they were always fighting. After their son Dodd was born in 1961 Bobby got really suspicious. He thought Sandra was too close to Peter Fonda her co-star in "Tammy and the Doctor." Sandra always said they were just friends but Bobby wouldn't believe her. And because he thought she was lying he decided to get back at her in a really cold way.
27 27. Her Husband Was A Big Coward

Bobby Darin was convinced that Sandra Dee wasn't being faithful so he decided to end their marriage in a mean way. He didn't have the courage to tell her himself so he had someone else tell her he wanted a divorce. It was a really weak move to find out like that but Sandra had no choice but to deal with it. However things were about to get even more complicated.
28 28. Her Messy Breakup

Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin had a really tough time splitting up. They first decided to take a break but then got back together because they still cared about each other and wanted to be a family for their son Dodd. But their reunion didn't stick and they split up again in 1966. The reason for their final breakup was even more silly than the last time.
29 29. She Wasn't "Allowed" To Talk To Men

Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee tried to fix their relationship but it never worked out. Bobby got really worried about who Sandra was talking to. Their last breakup happened because he saw her chatting with Warren Beatty at a party. Can you believe he had his psychiatrist tell Sandra it was over?
After she and Bobby split up a lot of other things in Sandra's life started to change too.
30 30. She Got Fire From Her Studio

Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee tried to fix their relationship but it never worked out. Bobby got really worried about who Sandra was talking to. Their last breakup happened because he saw her chatting with Warren Beatty at a party. Can you believe he had his psychiatrist tell Sandra it was over? After she and Bobby split up a lot of other things in Sandra's life started to change too.
31 31. She Was Done With Her Image

For a long time Sandra Dee didn't talk about her personal struggles and acted like the perfect sweet girl that everyone thought she was. But things changed during an interview in 1967 with Roger Ebert. As she smoked a cigarette she said in a tough way “Little Sandra Dee isn't supposed to smoke you know. Or drink. Or breathe”. This was her showing that she wasn't just the innocent girl from the movies. And sadly she was about to go through even more hard times.
32 32. She Was The Scream Queen

Sandra Dee really wanted to keep acting during this tough time but there weren't many roles for her. She ended up playing a college girl who gets into spooky trouble in the movie "The Dunwich Horror." She stood her ground though and said no to the part of the script that wanted her to be in the movie without any clothes at the end.
But even taking on this role didn't help her acting career or make her personal life better. In fact things started to go downhill for her.
33 33. Her Ex Moved On Quickly

Sandra Dee was already having a really tough time and things didn't get any easier because of her ex-husband Bobby Darin. Sandra never got married again and couldn't quite let go of Bobby but he didn't waste time trying to move on. He married a secretary named Andrea Yeager not long after they split up in 1973. Sandra had a lot of feelings to work through about Bobby getting remarried but that wasn't the only thing she had to handle.
34 34. She Just Couldn’t Stay Away

Bobby Darin tried to move on with his life but he had some serious health issues. His heart which had always been weak was getting worse. In 1971 he had surgery to put in two artificial heart valves. Even though he was with someone else Andrea Yeager at that time he still turned to Sandra Dee for support when he was feeling sick.
Sandra said "Bobby kept coming back. And always with an illness". This made things between them really complicated.
35 35. She Took Him Back

Bobby Darin's health was getting worse and at the same time his new marriage didn't last. He and Andrea Yeager broke up in October 1973 after just a short time as husband and wife. But there was more to the story. Because Bobby kept showing up Sandra Dee ended up letting him back into her life and they started seeing each other again. Unfortunately this second chance at their relationship didn't have a happy ending.
36 36. Her Love Destroyed Him

Bobby Darin's health was getting worse and at the same time his new marriage didn't last. He and Andrea Yeager broke up in October 1973 after just a short time as husband and wife. But there was more to the story. Because Bobby kept showing up Sandra Dee ended up letting him back into her life and they started seeing each other again. Unfortunately this second chance at their relationship didn't have a happy ending.
37 37. His Final Goodbye

Bobby Darin was really ill with an infection called sepsis and it started affecting his mind. He was in the hospital and often didn't even know where he was. But he did something really touching: he remembered that it was his son Dodd's birthday. He called Dodd from the hospital and even though he was mixed up he wished him a heartfelt happy birthday.
Not long after that Bobby had to have another heart surgery. Sandra Dee could only hope and pray for the best.
38 38. The Love Of Her Life Was Dead

During Bobby Darin's surgery doctors tried for six hours to help the 37-year-old singer who was still so important to Sandra Dee. After the surgery they moved him to a room to recover hoping for good news. But things didn't turn out well: Bobby died on December 19 1973 without ever waking up again. This was a really tough time for Sandra Dee and it was hard to even imagine what she went through.
39 39. She Was Panicking

When Sandra Dee found out that Bobby Darin had died she was overwhelmed with sadness. To make things even harder her son Dodd was at a sleepover at his friend's house and Sandra was by herself. In a panic she called the friend's mom in the middle of the night. The mom was Kay Gable the widow of the famous actor Clark Gable. Sandra told her she was going to come get Dodd right away.
But Kay was able to calm Sandra down and convinced her to wait until the next day telling her “Believe me he’ll know for the rest of his life what happened”.
40 40. She Became A “Has Been”

Sandra Dee had a really tough time after Bobby Darin passed away. Her son Dodd said she never really got over it. She tried to keep herself busy with some acting jobs here and there but things weren't going great with her acting career. It was so sad when she said “I feel like a has been that never was”. After a while Sandra just couldn't do it anymore and decided she had enough.
41 41. She Turned Into A Recluse

By the time the 1980s came around Sandra Dee wasn't acting much at all. In fact she stayed away from the public eye spending her time mostly at home. She was focused on taking care of her son Dodd and dealing with her mom Mary who was still trying to control things. Sandra's life was really just about her family now. But even that was going to change before too long.
42 42. A Deathbed Insult By Her Mother

In the late 1980s Sandra Dee's mom got really sick with lung cancer and it was clear she didn't have much time left. When her mom did pass away she said something really mean to Sandra's son Dodd. Right before she died she told him “Don’t be a victim as I was. Don’t waste your life cleaning up after [Sandra]”.
Even with her mom's harsh last words Sandra was totally heartbroken when her mom died.
43 43. She Fell Apart

Sandra Dee was just managing to get by but after her mom died things got really bad. She had always had trouble with eating properly and drinking too much but it got worse. Sandra once said that she was only eating "soup crackers and Scotch" and she became very very thin. It was a scary time for her and she had hit her lowest point.
44 44. The Intervention By Her Son

Dodd Sandra Dee's son was really scared when he saw how bad his mom was getting. When she started throwing up blood he knew it was serious. He helped her get help for her mind and body which probably saved her life. Sandra started to get a little better and even thought about acting again. But she was still fighting a lot of hard battles inside.
45 45. She Ruined Her Body

After a really hard time in the 1980s Sandra Dee didn't stop drinking entirely but she drank less and kept smoking. Unfortunately her health was already badly affected. When she got to be middle-aged she got some bad news: her body was having kidney problems because it wasn't treated well for so long and she had to start treatment to help her kidneys work.
This health scare made Sandra quit drinking for good but she didn't have many years left to live without alcohol.
46 46. She Died Young

In 2005 Sandra Dee was only a bit over 60 but she was really sick with kidney problems that couldn't be fixed even with a lot of medical help. She passed away on February 20 at 62 years old which was a shock to many people who always remembered her as a young actress.
People wondered why Sandra's life had been so tough. The answer came out in 1994 when her son Dodd wrote a book about his mom and dad called "Dream Lovers." In it he shared a really big secret about his mom's life that nobody knew before.
47 47. Her Deep, Dark Secret

Sandra Dee had a very painful secret that she kept hidden for a long time. She only told her ex-husband Bobby Darin after they had split and her son Dodd when he was older. It was something terrible that started hurting her life when she was just five years old.
Dodd shared that after Sandra's mom got remarried her new stepdad Eugene Douvan treated her very badly in a way that no child should ever experience and it went on for a long time. Sadly this was only the start of her troubles.
48 48. Her Mother Never Believed Her

Later in her life Sandra Dee found the bravery to tell her mom about the bad things her stepfather Douvan did to her. But her mom's reaction was very cold. At first Mary didn't want to believe Sandra at all. She thought Douvan was really good to Sandra. When Sandra talked about it again her mom didn't say anything. Once this secret was out in the open though it changed everything for Sandra.
49 49. Her Traumas Shaped Her Life

Some people might just think Sandra Dee was a movie star who ended up having a hard life. But knowing this sad part of her past helps us understand the struggles she faced like growing up too fast not being able to look after her health and having trouble in her relationships. But Sandra was more than the bad things that happened to her and her son Dodd's book helps show the other parts of her life too.
50 50. She Should Have Been More Proud